Share Buttons

πŸŽ€ Pocket

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Code

import {
} from 'next-share'
  title={'Next Share'}
  <PocketIcon size={32} round />

πŸ₯° Generate

πŸ“– PocketShareButton Props

childrennodeReact component, HTML element or string.βœ…
urlstringThe URL of the shared page.βœ…
titlestringTitle of the shared page. Note that if Pocket detects a title tag on the page being saved, this parameter will be ignored and the title tag of the saved page will be used instead.❌
windowWidthnumber500Opened window width.❌
windowHeightnumber500Opened window height.❌
blankTargetbooleanfalseOpen share window in a new tab if set to true.❌

πŸ“š PocketIcon Props

sizenumberIcon size in pixels.❌
roundbooleanShow round or rectangle.❌
borderRadiusnumberSet rounded corners if using round icon.❌
bgStyleobjectCustomize background style.❌
iconFillColorstringwhiteCustomize icon fill color.❌
blankTargetbooleanfalseOpen share window in a new tab if set to true.❌